
We are in Madrid. You will only appreciate the significance of this if you have a vague idea of our intended route, which doesn't pass within 150 miles of Madrid. This morning when we got up the temperature was barely above freezing....not what we signed up for but survivable. BUT the outlook through to the middle of next week is truly horrid. On Monday the overnight low is due to be -7!!! To be sure of avoiding ice on the roads we would have to delay out start until about noon each day and that just isn't viable with some long and hilly days ahead. We don't have the clothes, the heart or the balls to ride in these conditions. So we are going home! We left our hotel and rode straight to the station where we booked seats and bike slots on the next available train to Madrid. This turned out to be 5 hours later so we had a lot of sitting around while cancelling hotels, booking flights and generally ...