Ice Cream Man

We are now in Spain but there is one more point to make about France......jeez fuel is expensive now!!!! The French will protest about just about anything at the drop of a hat but the 'Les Gilets Jaunes' finally have a point. if you pick the wrong motorway service station you can pay an eye-watering 1.7 Euros for a litre of diesel. This is a scandal!!!! However, it has just occurred to me that, given the nature of their grievance, throwing petrol bombs isn't the most fiscally prudent form of protest. Anyway....on to Spain. Having burnt about ten million euros worth of diesel we crossed into Spain mid-afternoon and arrived at our hotel shortly before 6pm. We got into our jimjams and set the alarm for 2am and snuggled down. When the alarm went off we quickly dressed and headed down for dinner. We were till the first people in the place. Luckily we were soon joined by a large and very elderly coach part...