Hong Kong Garden

We are back in Brisbane. For our last two days we have had relatively short rides, though with very high temperatures and humidity. Yesterday we had to return over some alarmingly lumpy terrain with, it turned out, significantly steeper climbs than we had enjoyed going north. The worst one peaked at well over 20 percent, which is within a cats whisker of walking territory for me these days. Anyway, we were big brave boys and made it to Landsborough where we celebrated with a curry. Today we did the 52 miles back into town.....flat and with some nice coastal cycle paths but still hotter than a hot thing. We had an exciting diversion to have 'a bit of a chat' with a twat who thought buzzing us with his horn blasting was a good laugh. He now knows some new words that should help him greatly with his future swearing at cyclists. We were all done by 1pm and the threw the bikes in the room so we could pop to the bar to rehydrate....