Crocodile Rock

After yesterday's dry cycling we were expecting a right spanking today but, in fact, we rode in the dry for all but 20 minutes. We passed areas where the road had clearly been closed quite recently but we dodged the bullet again. BUT.....we are heading to Townsville which seems to be on the northern edge of a massive but very localised tropical storm. I just checked the forecast and Townsville can expect ONE METRE of rain in the next week. A f@#$ing METRE! We have asked around and the consensus is that we can probably get to Townsville but, once there, may have to wait for a lull in the rain and catch a train south for a couple of hundred miles to the southern edge of the storm. Bugger. We are staying in Lee's Hotel in Ingham. The hotel is advertised from 10km out with a hoarding that proudly boasts that it is Australia's only pub with no beer. We nearly turned round and went back to last night's stop! It turns out that this is...