I Do Like Mondays

Being retired is excellent in almost every possible way.......but I don't like the weekends. It really spoils things knowing that everyone else is off work too! Mondays, on the other hand, are splendid. While everyone else heads off to do their bit to keep the wheels of industry turning, I settle down for a 5 days of feckless idleness. On this particular Monday the weather was so absolutely spiffing that I got on my bike and did a splendid 70, including a brief visit to my favourite sports drink vendor. I would happily have done it for the hell of it but I am a man on a mission. In 3 weeks I start my next adventure and it is a Biggie. 70 hot miles will be my daily ration for much of the summer so it was perfect training. Looking at the forecast I might be doing a few more sunny rides this week........bugger :-).