Maintenant que ce que j'appelle la musiqu deux

Having finished last night in Menton, close to the Italian border I am now slowly cycling back to Nice for a flight back to blighty. Yesterday was a cracking ride, packed full of songs: Can the Cannes The coastal ride from St Raphael to Cannes is world class. Twisting with stunning views and just enough climbs to keep it interesting. Cannes itself is glamerous and has a superb seafront cycle path so you can gawp without worrying about the traffic. No More Mr Nice Guy Next stop was Nice and another superb cycle path. I stopped for a snack and had a hankering for Nice bisquits but it seems they don't sell them (which is clearly missing a trick!) I made do with choccie digestives instead. The Chain (bit of lateral thinking needed here) The last big place before the border is Monaco. Having never been there I did a bit of research: 38,000 citzens packed into less than a square mile (the most densley populated country on earth) 30 percent of the inhabitents are ...