Bye Bye Baby

I am riding almost entirely on cycle paths and each day I see hundreds of 'cyclists' (I use the term cautiously, mostly they are not proper cyclists and many are lazy bastards on lectric bikes). However, close to larger towns there is a fair smattering of people on roller blades. These come in too distinct varieties: - the tiny minority who can actually do it. These are usually weirdos, a bit old for that sort of thing, wirey and usually with lots of hair, tats and piercings. - all the rest... who look like they will crash at any moment. In fact I think they are actually permanently falling forward but their feet keep outpacing the fall so they never hit the ground. Their arms flail spastically (you probably can't say that anymore) and they look...erm...well, f@#%ing stupid. In the last two days I have notched up about 180 miles in glorious weather, though in the afternoons it is creeping into the mid 30's which is a bit warm, even for me. The riding ...