The Waiting Game
Squeeze. When I told people I had been called for jury service several people told me it might be interesting. They were wrong. Last week I managed to sit on two trials, with a total time actually doing anything of just15 hours. This week it is already mid-Wednesday and I have done precisely bugger all. I am now an expert on Homes Under The Attic and Cash In The Hammer but I AM SO BORED. Still, at least I got to help ensure justice was served on two cases eh? The first was a benefit fraud case where the defendant had allegedly obtained £2500 by claiming her partner didn't live with her.....pretty serious stuff!!!! So serious that the prosecution couldn't be bothered to assemble a credible case. It is a measure of how pathetic their case was that all 12 of us were ready to aquit the defendant BEFORE the defence case was even heard. The second case was even more serious - the purchase of a stolen playstation for fifty quid. Apparently it costs about £6000/day to operate