Echo Beach

This stretch of coast isn't particularly affluent and the hotels we have booked for the trip are all pretty keen (bordering desperate) for our business. So when I arrived to stay in the Esphino hotel that we are using in May I was greeted like royalty. After much fawning and hand shaking I was shown up to an executive sea-view room rather than the cheap broom cupboard I had booked and this is the view. As you can see, the rain has buggered off. I have spent the day tying to find a route past Porto that is pleasant for cycling and I think I have mostly succeeded......apart from a 5km stretch of cobbles which is going to go down like a lead balloon. We sneak through the city on the coast road and go through some incredible parts of the old quarter and I hope this will be compensation for those who have lost their fillings (and possibly testicles) over the cobbles. A few more miles of seafront tomorrow morning and home in time for tea!