Drive-in Saturday/Misty

The first song is pretty inspired! It is Saturday AND....drum roll...we drove in a tree! But more of this later. Firstly it seems the Bulgarian Massive are firmly behind us now with a total of 10 hits. Thank you Bulgaria, we love you. A few more words about last night. The Redgate Villas motel is a simple 8 room place in Leggett, CA (population 122). It is run by Mike who looks just like Mikey from American Chopper and possibly IS Mikey. A very nice guy who handed over his garden, gas barbeque and most of his crockery so we could cook dead animals and feed the troops. When I arrived he was busy giving away his profit on the night by sharing his malt whiskey collection with the punters. This was much appreciated by the punters for obvious reasons, and by me because anything tastes ok after a few malt whiskies. Our campsite was almost as by Billy - a Mancunian who left England 22 years ago when her husband died of ...